Month: March 2014

  • ¿Donde Esta El Bano?

    A recent phenomenon I discovered on my  travels in Europe is the improved equipment in the lavatories. Europe is well advanced of the United States in handling the waste created in the public restrooms at places like the “aeroporte”. Relax folks…. I am speaking about the paper products and management of electricity and water, not…

  • Today is Pi Day

    The Math Nerds get major points for this one. Not normally noted as a group that seeks out social interaction, they have come up with a tasty carrot to lure out the shy techies that normally are not so community oriented. Tonight I am attending a Pi Party. I am in Brussels right now, so…

  • Tine Thevenin Slept Here

    I was ecstatic! I was going to host one of our main speakers at the State La Leche League conference, author Tine Thevenin. Best known for her book “Family Bed”; Tine gave many a parent, especially the breastfeeding moms, “permission” in the form of well documented research, to sleep with their babies. I have always…

  • Designated Driver?

    Those of us over a “certain age” know the drill for outpatient medical procedures. I say “certain age”, because hitting age fifty is the threshold. There begins the not so subtle pressure from our medical practitioners, for tests to be done. The ominous Colonoscopy and other checkups, require one to be sedated during the process…