Category: PMS (and it’s not the medical one)

  • My dryer broke!

    My dryer broke!

    So my dryer has malfunctioned. I’m hanging my clothes out to dry. Of course there’s a lot to the story of how this happened. I posted a few pictures of my creative sun drying process on Facebook.   My umbrella on the deck doubled as a rack to suspend my laundry to be dried. Worked pretty…

  • Tulip Travails

    Last year our flower bed provided much joy. This year, not so much. Spring time brings flowers to view, bulbs planted the previous fall or some that are residents from years past, struggle free out of the ground to provide the beauty and scents we enjoy. Due to an abundant and possibly over- enthusiastic application…

  • Showbound in Seattle

    Once again, my hubby and son provide inspiration for my writing… “Wahoo!” My husband waved his phone as he played aloud the recorded message from his company. They advised workers to stay in place, work from home! A recent snowstorm blanketed our area with over five inches of snow. Wind pushed frozen precipitation into perilous piles…

  • Pickles!

    Blackberry Crumble CurriedRiceTofuSalad I opened the veggie bin and stared into the empty space. Until recently it was full of carrots, celery, Jalapeno peppers and onions. I’d checked the inventory earlier in the week, when I did my usual shopping trip. I had plenty of supplies to complete my planned meals for the week and…

  • Not the “good” towels!

    “No way!” I leveled what I hoped was a stern enough look at my husband to convey the seriousness of my message. “What?” he looked genuinely puzzled as he stopped in his tracks. “No way… are you going to use my brand new pale yellow tea towel to scrub the windows on the deck outside.…

  • Control “P”… for Pissed!

    The usual “print operation command”, Control P has changed somehow on my computer. Maybe that last Microsoft update?  Just printing out more than a page is turning this aspiring writer, normally a mild mannered and patient computer user, into a whiny one, who spent hours researching online complaints on printer websites with no results. Now…

  • Stunning Surprise!

    “Surprise” This chorus of cries came from folks who’d been crouching in the darkness, awaiting my arrival, for quite some time apparently. I almost dropped the two bags of groceries on the floor, so great the shock of seeing many of my family members and friends jump out from behind the island in our kitchen. …

  • Happy Valentine’s Day

    I pulled into the driveway and blinked at the glare of the bright light coming from the open garage door. I glanced over to the front door of our home to see my Hubby and our two Norwegian Elkhound pups sitting in the glow of the front entry lights. Hubby looks up from his smart…

  • Girl Cars

    Girl Cars vs. Boy Cars “Girl cars always have great stuff.” This comment came from my youngest son while a passenger in my car after his simple request for a tissue was immediately fulfilled. “What do you mean by Girl Cars?” I asked, trying to decipher his label. He is the owner and driver of…

  • Shopping Lists

    Our luncheon companion excused herself yet again.  “My husband is grocery shopping” she sighs rolling her eyes as she left the table with her smart phone held out in front of her face. The remaining women chuckled and a lively debate started about the recent joke circulating on Face Book; a woman’s tale of her…