Always an adventure-Musical outing with my musician son

We are in Chelan, Washington… Nick has performances with one of his dear friends from the Washington State School for the Blind, Mac Potts.

A simple car ride became a long struggle, as  the 3 hour trip ( per Google Maps) lasted over 5 hours. Unexpected delays due to construction, horrendous traffic jams on the I-5, necessitated a detour the scenic route, via Stevens Pass.

Needless to say, we arrived a tad behind schedule, and  the motel further complicated our lodging situation. By the time we juggled rooms to get an ADA friendly one… It was almost time to go to his first engagement.

I phoned a local spot, thinking I’d make a quick pass at the highly rated burger place on the main drag in Chelan.

Local and quick were “relative terms”…most all the local eateries are located on Main Street, wedged in between the souvenir shops, winery tasting rooms and other retail places.

Did I mention that it’s high tourist season there?

We’ve ever been to Chelan before. A simple trip to pick up a meal became  a logistical nightmare. I drove around the block twice, to find a handicap spot and hobble over to the restaurant location, accross the street,  on my walking sticks. My only option to pick up our to go order.

Silly me… when I phoned to place my “to go” order thought I was going to go through the drive up window.

In their favor, the young man at the counter took pity on me and  did walk me back out to my car, carrying the food containers, down the block from his establishment. I couldn’t manage my walking sticks and the boxes of food at the same time.

I get Nick situated in the car, with his food. We’re driving to arrive at the gig on time. I made the suggestion he eat his french fries first because the burger was a bit drippy, and he could save that for when we parked the car and unloaded gear rather than getting his clothes for the gig soiled with the juices from his burger.

I glanced over and noticed he’s not eating his food. I repeated my instruction for him to eat the french fries. His response was, I can’t! In the 42 years, I’ve lived with  my kid,  I never realized the hierarchy of  his eating food.

His stepmother, Alice, trained him to eat the entrée first, so that he wouldn’t fill his stomach up with the extras. Ditto his drink .Nick  wasn’t allowed to have so much is a sip until he had finished his main entrée. Wow!

Mark, his father died almost 25 years ago.  Stepmother Alice is long gone and hasn’t been a part of his life since his dad passed. Yet she still exerts more influence on this 42 year old man than me, his mother, sitting right there in the car with him , go figure.

Next day…

More adventures with  Baker and his  autism stuff-  I can’t make this stuff up!

We got into pool/jacuzzi at the motel where we’re staying. Nick wanted to stay in the Jacuzzi while I enjoyed the cool pool adjacent to the tub. I asked him to stay put until I could guide him out, when he was ready to join me in the big pool.

Did he listen to me? Heck no!

Instead he scooted over and got himself caught/sucked into the return slot, located on the side of the tub. He now has a 6“ x 8“ Hicky from the suction on his right butt cheek!

Scared him good too. He feared it was somehow gonna suck them into water trap on the system.

Returned to the room- Nick’s showered and drying off. The next thing I see, is my son with his head angled into the sink.  An attempt to run water into his right ear, which he believed to be clogged with ear wax!

We will be visiting his Ear Nose and Throat doc as soon as we arrive home!


Kathy Gail Passage–  Looking for the humor in life situations

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